Work like a boss in action

About the event

Hello everyone, the 15th of august I entered an event called work like a boss in action and I thought, this is something for me. When I entered the event I saw that only women were participating. I thought It was kind of strange that literally 0 men were in the zoom call, but it didn’t bother me, so I went on and listened to what Laurie Morse-Dell and Ellie Bahrmasel had to say. They explained us some very interesting concepts on how to use LinkedIn as a very powerful tool to attain people into your company or connect with people who might have benefits for you and vice versa. They also talked about different traits people have and how gender biases us in thinking about people and accepting people. They talked a lot about genders and how women have different qualities from men, but certainly not worse or better, just different. I was very pleased to hear a lot of different opinions, it was a very interactive event and it felt like we were in a classroom talking to each other. I couldn’t have foreseen how this event would be like, it was completely the opposite of what I thought it would be. That’s why it was a very instructive event, because I had never experienced one like this before. I believe this was a good event and made me realize that events like this have a lot of value to bring to the attendees.

laptop, computer, browser